Community Capital Management Bond Purchase Marks $2 Billion Invested in Community Development: Investments in All 50 States Finance Affordable Housing, Job Growth, Environmental Restoration, Education & Healthcare
Community Capital Management (formerly known as CRAFund Advisors) announced today that it has purchased more than $2 billion worth of bonds that finance community development throughout the United States. The milestone solidifies the company's place as the leading fixed income investment manager for directing capital to the nation's underserved communities.
PHILADELPHIA (PRWEB) August 27, 2007
Since 1999, Community Capital's $2 billion of fixed income investments have financed hundreds of thousands of affordable rental housing units, supported affordable healthcare, contributed to environmental restoration, and helped spur job creation and job training among other "community development" activities.
The bond purchase that pushed Community Capital's total community development impact over the $2 billion mark was a geographically-targeted pool of 10 single family mortgage loans purchased on behalf of a Pennsylvania-based investor. The investment targets low-income homeownership in several communities throughout the Keystone State.
To date, on behalf of its Pennsylvania-based clients including the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Treasury Department; Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry's State Workers Insurance Fund; Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency; and several Pennsylvania-based banks, the firm has invested nearly $200 million in securities benefiting Pennsylvania economic development. This translates into more than 480 affordable home mortgages, $6.7 million in affordable healthcare facilities, $30.1 million in job training and job creation programs, more than 4,600 affordable housing units, $18.7 million in community and economic development, and $21.4 million in statewide homeownership and down-payment assistance programs.
"We work tirelessly on behalf of our clients to find the right bonds that meet our rigorous financial criteria and our clients' mission-based and geographically-targeted goals. Nonetheless, after just seven years, I still find it hard to believe our efforts have directed $2 billion toward underserved populations," said Todd Cohen, Community Capital's President and Chief Investment Officer. "I'm grateful to the hundreds of institutions and thousands of individual investors who have put their faith in our team and have given us the resources to make such a profound and meaningful impact. They are the ones who deserve the real credit. It's their money that is making a difference."
"When working on behalf of our clients, we really start from the ground-up. For this investment, we started by hand-selecting loans that meet our financial criteria and offer substantial benefits for the targeted population. Then we securitized these carefully selected loans. So far, we've been successful at generating returns that both outpace our clients' benchmarks and support community and economic development in underserved communities throughout the United States," said Barbara VanScoy, Community Capital's Managing Director and Portfolio Manager.
About Community Capital Management
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida-based Community Capital Management is a GIPS(R) compliant investment manager that manages fixed income portfolios on behalf of institutional clients. The company seeks to earn competitive returns while promoting economic and community development activities such as affordable housing, small business growth, workforce development, and environmental restoration.
Since 1999, Community Capital Management's geographically - and economically-targeted investments have directed $2 billion toward community initiatives in all 50 states. As of March 31, 2007 its investments have financed 130,000 affordable rental housing units; 4,900 home mortgages for low - and moderate-income families; $31 million in affordable healthcare facilities; $143 million in community development activities including neighborhood revitalization and brownfield redevelopment; $95 million in job training and creation programs; and $308 million in down payment assistance and statewide home-ownership programs. For additional information, call (877) 272-1977.
Community Capital Management, Inc. is a Florida-based investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940. The Community Investment Composite ("CI Composite") is comprised of all actively managed fixed-income accounts managed by Community Capital Management that invest mainly in investment grade securities with community development as the primary purpose. The CI Composite assets of March 31, 2007 were $860.2 million, which represented 99.7% of the firm's total assets. Returns are calculated in U. S. dollars. Community Capital Management has received a firm-wide GIPS(R) Verification for the period August 30, 1999 through March 31, 2007. In addition, the Community Investment Composite has received a Performance Examination for the same time period.
Community Capital Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS(R)).