Monday, February 25, 2002

The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog Warns All Investors About Iran Nukes, Rising Oil Prices and Inflation

The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog Warns All Investors About Iran Nukes, Rising Oil Prices and Inflation

The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog is warning all investors to get ready for the consequences of a nuclear power Iran and what could be a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. The group warned about this possibility two years ago, however, the group is now suggesting, "with the rudderless Obama ship of state, we think it's no longer possible--the despots who run Iran will get a nuke--we think it's probable. Further, not if, but when it happens, brace yourself for really expensive oil, and inflation--two things the US cannot afford right now." Http://WallStreetFraudWatchdog. Com

Washington, DC (Vocus) April 9, 2010

Watching CNBC every morning, it's hard to believe that the US is in the worst economic decline since the Great Depression. It's hard to believe the actual US unemployment rate is stuck at 15%+, it's hard to believe that in less than a year a country like Iran---run by despots could have a nuke--and it's hard to believe we could be paying $5.00, or more at the US gas pump in less than a year--but the Wall Street Fraud Watchdog thinks that's exactly what is going to happen. The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog is saying, "we have a Nobel Peace Prize awarding winning US President who seems more confused than focused when it comes to rouge states like Iran--perhaps it's because he blew a year on a health care boondoggle, that the vast majority of US voters did not--do not--want." The group says, "whatever the case, if Iran gets a nuke, the US is in a super big mess, because it means our friends the Saudi's are at risk--and oil prices will go screaming through the roof. It also means forget about a US economic recovery--that hinges on a real estate recovery--with low interest rates." The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog is all about investor protection, in this case, making a case for the obvious. Http://WallStreetFraudWatchdog. Com

So who are the bad guys in Iran get a nuke disaster, aside from Iran? The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog says, "at the top of our list is Russia--they need higher oil prices to prevent a complete collapse of their economy. It's pretty simple--they sell nuclear technology knowing full well that Iran has big plans for the Middle East that do not include the Saudi Royal Family, other Middle Eastern Royal Families, or Israel--just higher oil prices." They suggest, "Wall Street really should be looking out a year--not six minutes, unfortunately, its six minutes--make the commission today--worry about tomorrow when it happens." Http://WallStreetFraudWatchdog. Com

But Israel can take care of the prospects of the current Iranian President with a nuke, right--it's their problem? The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog says, "actually if US gas prices go to $5.00 a gallon or more--with an Iranian nuke and a Middle East nuclear race, we think--all of a sudden it's a really big US economic problem, not Israel's. Forget about a US economic recovery--say so long to your 401-K--the party's over for us. Nancy Pelosi will not be sending you $600 this time; we won't--don't--have the money."

So what should smart investors do? The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog is saying, "buy gold, precious metals, or anything else that is inflation-proof. We were one of the first groups to warn of the US real estate train wreck, and we are telling you now--Iran gets a nuke with President Peace Prize, and the average big or little US investor is up the creek, SOL, however you want to put it--you're cooked." The group says, "Iran gets a nuke and it's a game changer for the entire world; especially for the gas-addicted US economy. Start thinking about a January 2011 after everyone starts getting their huge health insurance premium increases, combined with $5.00 gas. Change--is all we will have left." Http://WallStreetFraudWatchdog. Com

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