Natural Sleep Aid Tips and Remedies
This article is a summary of some of the sleep aid remedies that are described in greater detail and with recipes and instructions at www. sleep-aid-tips. com
(PRWEB) July 5, 2005
At certain times, insomnia may result from stress. Massage techniques can ease tense necks, aching shoulders and upright torsos, and face massage can be an instant calmer.
Some stress is an inevitable part of life, but when you need to achieve a state of inner calm, a range of meditation and visualization techniques can help you work through your insecurities, worries and anxieties.
With practice, stress can be diminished so that it is no longer a cause of sleepless nights.
A calm environment:
Lack of sleep can also be exacerbated by external factors such as noise, a Âbusy atmosphere in the bedroom, or simply the wrong type of mattress. By making the best of your physical environment, you can reduce or remove many of these detrimental factors.
Pampering treatments:
In view of the many demands made by daily life, it is essential to find time to switch off from cares and worries in the evening, and indulge in some personal quality time.
Bedtime snacks:
Instead of raiding the refrigerator for a substantial and perhaps indigestible meal, it is better to opt for a light snack, such as toast with a topping and perhaps a hot, comforting beverage.
Exercise to relax:
Keeping the body moving is essential for good sleep  without exercise, you will not be physically tired enough to rest at night. Aerobic activities such as walking and cycling exercise the heart and tone the muscles, while some specific yoga techniques provide an excellent way to stretch and relax.
Avoid these sleep deterrents:
-Drinking excessive alcohol
-Smoking cigarettes
-Drinking caffeine
-Taking long naps in the afternoon
-Watching disturbing films prior to bed
-Reading mentally stimulating books prior to bed
-Playing video games
-Listening to fast paced or loud, stimulating music.
About the Author: Helene Malmsio is an student and advocate of self help strategies for improvement in all areas of life, including health. The results of her self help personal development studies can be seen at her sites: http://personal-enterprise-self-help-resources. com (http://personal-enterprise-self-help-resources. com) and http://sleep-aid-tips. com (http://sleep-aid-tips. com)
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