Spreading the Word of Success
Two Oxfordshire Hypnotherapists are braving the chill this Christmas to distribute information leaflets on the benefits of Hypnotherapy during the run up to World Hypnotism Day 2005. Hypnotists Richard MacKenzie and Sam Weller have decided that this winter, they want to take sometime out of their schedules to raise awareness on the benefits of using Hypnosis when dealing with the ÂThree SÂsÂ. Smoking, Slimming and Stress are usual concerns that people have on their minds this time of year, especially when thinking about New Years Resolutions.
(PRWEB) December 16, 2004
Two Oxfordshire Hypnotherapists are braving the chill this Christmas to distribute information leaflets on the benefits of Hypnotherapy during the run up to World Hypnotism Day 2005.
Hypnotists Richard MacKenzie and Sam Weller have decided that this winter, they want to take sometime out of their schedules to raise awareness on the benefits of using Hypnosis when dealing with the ÂThree SÂsÂ. Smoking, Slimming and Stress are usual concerns that people have on their minds this time of year, especially when thinking about New Years Resolutions.
The pair aim to distribute 50,000 information leaflets between now and World Hypnotism Day 2005, which is on the 4th January. They will have an information stand in Oxford City Center and will be asking Doctors, Dentists and Libraries to display posters.
Recently Hollywood heartthrob Matt Damon has used Hypnosis to stop smoking, He told America's The Jay Leno show: "I should have done it years ago and "It's amazing I didn't even want cigarettes any more." However Richard and SamÂs aim is to make people aware that this is not just a therapy for HollywoodÂs ÂA list, but a therapy for everyone.
ÂOver the years I have experienced amazing results in sessions with my clients. Hypnosis is something that I use regularly in my daily life to help me build and achieve extraordinary goals! said Richard, continuing he also said ÂI see the use of Clinical Hypnosis as a mainstream therapy which due to its successfulness needs to be far more widely used. Our aim is to raise enough awareness that this happensÂ.
ÂHypnosis is a superior from of physical and mental relaxation and utilises the minds own internal resources. It can be used for stop smoking, weight loss, relaxation and stress management. Also phobias, fear of flying, sports performance. Commented Sam, who followed on by saying, ÂWhat is less known is that it can be used in business not just for stress management but business performance.Â
For further information you can visit the MacKenzie Therapy & Training UK site at www. richardmackenzie. co. uk
Or the Weller Associates site at www. wellerassociates. co. uk.
Notes to Editor: Richard MacKenzie can be contacted on 07903 824641/ 0845 2265503 and Sam Weller on 07768 342875/ 01608 645445. Both are available for further information or interviews.
World Hypnotism Day January 4th, 2005.
The very first day of its kind when professionals in the field of hypnotism from various organizations around the world will be sharing their expertise and promoting the truths and benefits of hypnosis.
Richard MacKenzie is a hypnotherapist and specialises in helping clients with such issues as smoking, slimming and stress. RichardÂs current clients are from across the south east of England, but he has also worked in Germany and is active in the European Hypnosis community. Richard runs a successful practice in Oxfordshire.
Sam was trained at the Los Angles Hypnotism Training Institute in 1989, and has Diplomas in Basic Hypnotism, Master Hypnotism and Advanced Hypnotherapy. He has been a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development since 1994.
Below is a snapshot of results from research conducted since the early 90's:
Single Session of Hypnotherapy 60%
Exercise and Breathing Therapy 29%
Acupuncture 24%
Nicotine Gum 10%
Will Power alone 6%
Nicotine Patches plus seeing a counselor 20%
Aversion Therapy 25%
Suggestion Hypnosis (Cassette Tapes) 30%
The respected scientific publication ÂNew ScientistÂ[1], reporting on research carried out on over 70,000 people, showed hypnosis to be the most effective way to give up the smoking habit. Getting help to stop smoking with hypnotherapy / hypnosis, was found to be 300% as successful as nicotine replacement therapy, and 500% as successful as just will power alone.
Hypnosis is effective in combating workplace stress. Stress, anxiety and depression are the second most commonly reported illnesses. Stress is not just about our ability or lack of it to cope. At work, work related stress says the Health & Safety Executive, is the Âadverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demands placed on themÂ. The H&SE believes that work related stress is a serious problem for organisations productivity as well as their staffÂs health. For that reason alone, it is in employerÂs interests to control work related stress. The law also says it is their duty to do so. A few facts from the H&SE show the scale of the problem. About 500,000 people a year experience work related stress at a level they believe is making them ill. As many as 5,000,000 people feel very or extremely stressed. Work related stress costs £3.7 billion per year.