Monday, May 19, 2003

Linda Woolven Announces New Book "The Smart Woman's Guide to PMS and Pain-Free Periods"

Linda Woolven Announces New Book "The Smart Woman's Guide to PMS and Pain-Free Periods"

New book shows how to cope with PMS and painful periods without the use of drugs or hormones.

Toronto, ON (PRWEB) March 3, 2008

A new book, "The Smart Woman's Guide to PMS and Pain-Free Periods" by Linda Woolven, is giving women alternative ways to cope with PMS, painful periods and other common women's health issues -- without the use of drugs.

For the huge number of women afflicted with PMS and period pain, traditional medicine can offer no real cures - only drugs, like the pill, anti-depressants, and temporary pain-killers. Many of these drugs have numerous side effects, and can deplete key nutrients that women need.

The failure of conventional medicine to safely and effectively manage certain women's health issues has left many women with no real solution.

Author Linda Woolven is dismayed by the number of women who are placed on prescription pain-killers or the pill for period pain and PMS, or who are simply told that they must deal with pain each month. As an herbalist, she has helped women recover from debilitating PMS and period pain through natural medicine, which seeks to correct the underlying causes and adjust them, using diet, vitamins, nutrients and herbs. "There are so many safe and effective natural solutions available that are easy to use," says Woolven.

Her book, "The Smart Woman's Guide to PMS and Pain-Free Periods", is a guide to all aspects of women's menstrual health, including menopause, PMS, weight loss, common pregnancy issues, endometriosis and osteoporosis. Combining scientific research and clinical experience with clear practical guidelines, this is an essential how-to health book for women of all ages.

Topics covered in the book:
menopause PMS weight loss common pregnancy issues endometriosis osteoporosis missed periods heavy periods painful periods breast and uterine fibroids ovarian cysts About the Author:
Linda Woolven (Toronto, ON, Canada) is a master herbalist, acupuncturist and counselor with a practice in Toronto. She is the author of The Vegetarian Passport Cookbook and Healthy Herbs.
