Wednesday, August 13, 2003

The Appeal of Far Infrared LuxSauna Surges Despite Sluggish Economy

The Appeal of Far Infrared LuxSauna Surges Despite Sluggish Economy

Multiple health benefits and low costs of far infrared saunas are behind the rapid growth of LuxSauna as they launch into multiple markets.

Denver, CO (PRWEB) April 1, 2009

10-20 years ago no one would understand what a far infrared sauna was. They might think of very expensive hot rock or steam saunas, or they might confuse it with a hot tub. This confusion is not lost. The new far infrared saunas are similar to the booming market for hot tubs in the 1980's. This is a product that appeals to the baby boomer market once they become educated about the benefits and (relatively) low cost.

You may have seen the LuxSauna 30-minute TV show on many stations across the U. S. And recently infrared sauna benefits were showcased by Dr. Oz on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

LuxSauna has recently teamed up with world famous detox retreats such as the "Tree of Life & Dr, Gabriel Cousins" in addition to other equally well knows retreats such as Hippocrates Health Institute in Palm Beach Florida. These retreats use the far infrared saunas in individual private cabins to enable clients to expedite detoxification and regain health and relief from pain caused by diabetes, cancer and even help eliminate obesity and many other health problems and ailments.

The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center is known worldwide for its foundation in spirituality and living foods, and as a leading fasting and detoxification center, offering a diversity of spa vacations, spiritual retreats and health education programs. Founded in 1993 by Rebbe Gabriel Cousens, M. D., M. D.(H), Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine, The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center is an oasis for awakening, inspiration & rejuvenation on the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual levels.

Dr. Gabriel Cousens of The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center stated, "Toxins are like driving in life with your brakes on. They slow your mental functioning. If you want to have optimal functioning you have to get the toxins out of your system."

Teaming up with Luxsauna will aid individuals that visit the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center with the ability to detoxify their mind and body utilizing the detox spa in their private cabins much in the same way as having your own private sauna in a resort.

From the LuxSauna. com website you can view Dr., Cousins elaborate on the many benefits of detoxification, the benefits of far infrared saunas for detoxification, and the wisdom of incorporating a far infrared Lux sauna into your own detoxifying, health regimen.

Scientists in Japan report that Far Infrared Sauna treatments expand the capillaries and then initiate the start of a process to dissolve hidden toxins.

The new partnership with Luxsauna will provide guests with the not only the luxury of a private sauna, but a detox spa that will aid in their healing process.

For more information or distributor details contact LuxSauna at 888-luxsauna, or 888-589-7286 or you can access more information at http://www. luxsauna. com (http://www. luxsauna. com) or http://www. hotelsauna. com (http://www. hotelsauna. com) or http://www. luxspasuites. com/ (http://www. luxspasuites. com/).

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