Tuesday, January 27, 2004

'Knowledge For Tomorrow: A Summarized Commentary of World History, Nature, Health, Religion, Organized Crime, and Inspiration for the Youth'

'Knowledge For Tomorrow: A Summarized Commentary of World History, Nature, Health, Religion, Organized Crime, and Inspiration for the Youth'

A unique, all-encompassing synthesis unifying indigenous ethics, world history, ecology, humanity studies, common sense education, and liberty. It addresses the urgent problems facing humanity and the rest of our planet; such as, disrespect for nature, negative culture domination, scientific corruption, organized crime, mis-education, racial pathology, and information selectively hidden from the general public. Includes a revision of the U. N. Declaration of Children's Rights, and the U. N. Charter for the Earth Charter.

Fairfield, CA (PRWEB) February 9, 2005

(updated 8/2/05)- This book is a proposal for revolutionary progression of the truth. It is a unique, all-encompassing synthesis unifying indigenous ethics, world history, ecology, humanities, common sense education, and liberty. It addresses the urgent problems facing humanity and the rest of our planet; such as, disrespect for nature, negative culture domination, scientific corruption, organized crime, mis-education, racial pathology, and information selectively hidden from the general public. Furthermore, it shows some solutions to these problems, and leads you towards the development of other ideas. The information presented in some areas is meant to expose the reader to evidence that supports some past assumptions, and corrects others. This is the author's first public comprehensive analysis of the destructive aspects, potential solutions of our problems, and verifiable information concerning claims thought of throughout the time of his research. This book attempts to put present predicaments into perspective, and leads to a vision of the future.

Issues like nuclear proliferation, biological warfare, the true origin of AIDS, and cultural warfare are all consolidated into this powerful book. Past, Current, and Potential life tribulations bring readers to consider actions for making sweeping social changes. Anyone reading this book will have to bring themselves to think globally, as a global citizen.

Questions this book leads to answer:
Why are there so many problems on our world? Are the children of the world going to be okay? What about the other holocausts! Why is everyone getting so sick? If there is so much money in the world, why are there poor people? Why are so many things called conspiracies? Was it always like this? Have today's musical arts benefited anyone? Who are the heroes of today, and what should we believe for life & death? What are some ways to fix our world?

"Knowledge For Tomorrow" truly is what the title says, and more. A Summarized Commentary on World History, Nature, Organized Crime, Health Information, and Inspiration for the Youth. Acknowledgement of the native peoples of the America's, Africa, and other places are given much stronger emphasis in their importance to the human family that others. Euro centric & Arabization of other cultures are outlined as central causes to the world's problems. Specified attention to quotes in the Bible and the Koran are stated as leading causes for many world wars, genocide campaigns, and social corruption. 

By. Mr. Quinton Douglass Crawford
Paperback ISBN: 0-595-34030-X
Cost: $20.95
Available through online bookstores, and may be ordered through local stores.

Http://www. knowledgefortomorrow. com/ (http://www. knowledgefortomorrow. com/)
Http://www. youtube. com/user/QDC36 (http://www. youtube. com/user/QDC36) (online broadcast)
