The Tranquilities Series, a unique stress reduction program featuring a blend of guided imagery, religious faith, environmental sounds, traditional hymns and aromatherapy, is designed to teach individuals new methods to effectively cope with life's challenges.
(PRWEB) April 11, 2003
Gilead Enterprises, Inc. Launches Tranquilities Guided Imagery Series
The Tranquilities Series, a unique stress reduction program featuring a blend of guided imagery, religious faith, environmental sounds, traditional hymns and aromatherapy, is designed to teach individuals new methods to effectively cope with life's challenges.
The Tranquilities Series was developed by Gilead Enterprises, Inc., a Central Pennsylvania based company that produces Guided Imagery products for the hospital, health professional, pastoral, Christian counselor and consumer markets.
The five CD series addresses the five major emotions often associated with any crisis-- worry, loss, fear, anger, and self-esteem, creating a valuable healing tool that can be used on an individual, pastoral, or clinical basis. The program was originally developed in a hospital setting by a Chaplain, medical doctor, psychologist and Naturopath, with a team of pastors acting as a review board.
"The principles this series utilizes, such as timeless Scripture readings and traditional hymns are very powerful," said the Reverend Donna Shenk, hospital chaplain, who helped develop the program. "There is a universal appeal to the sacred music. The hymns, such as Amazing Grace and Abide With Me, are divinely inspired. The music resonates with virtually everyone, providing a reassuring presence that fosters healing."
Two different series, each containing five CDs, are available now at extremely affordable prices. The Tranquilities Series for Stress is designed to teach individuals techniques to take control of their lives and tame worries, cope with anger, deal with loss, overcome fears, and regain and restore their self-esteem.
The Tranquilities Series for Hospital Patients, developed for in-hospital use, helps patients begin the healing process, cope with pain, sleep better, deal with fears, and ease worries.
Under development are CD sets for Cancer, Hospice patients and children.
"In every life trauma, all five emotions -- worry, loss, fear, anger, and self-esteem -- come into play. Through the use of these CDs, individuals may be restored, renewed and strengthened," said Rev. Shenk.
Through the use of visual imagery, listeners may be able to pinpoint and center on what troubles them. For example, a wall symbolizes fear. On the CD, a soothing voice describes how, with God's help, the wall is knocked down by ocean waves, freeing the individual to move past their fears and take on more of life's challenges.
Environmental sounds, sophisticatedly recorded with binaural microphones, dramatically involve the listener in the visual imagery, while the use of aromatherapy enhances the experience.
"Aromatherapy isn't new. Scriptures have dozens of references to what we now call essential oils or aromatherapy. The most well known is the wise men bringing Frankincense and Myrrh to the Christ child," explained Rev. Shenk.
Each of the components used -- guided imagery, aromatherapy and music therapy -- has been proven to be helpful in the healing process. This is the first program of its kind to draw upon and blend all three therapies to help individuals - and the first guided imagery product that includes hymns, the reading of scripture and references to feeling God's presence.
The Tranquilities Series does more than just help individuals overcome anxieties associated with a stay in the hospital or a stressful life situation. It teaches them new ways to react to previously stressful or anxiety-provoking situations. Guided imagery is widely used by counselors, psychologists, pastors, nurses and in hospitals.
"Patients welcome the opportunity to hear these traditional hymns and reassuring scriptures while they are hospitalized and facing an unknown future or procedure," said Rev. Shenk. "The Tranquilities Series for Hospital Patients is a great resource for pastors to have available for church members who are sick or hospitalized. Churches might also find it helpful to have copies of the Tranquilities Series for Stress for people facing any stressful life circumstance. "
For more information about the Tranquilities Series for Stress and the Tranquilities Series for Hospital Patients, please visit us on the web at www. tranquilities. com or e-mail at info@tranquilities. com
Contact : Robert E. Miller ND
President, Gilead Enterprises
rmiller@gileadenterprises. com
Note: A complementary single CD is available to editors for review.