Friday, June 25, 2004

Coordinated Teamwork, Planning Futuristically And Acting Now Breed Health, Success

Coordinated Teamwork, Planning Futuristically And Acting Now Breed Health, Success

Omnion Consulting Successfully Completes 3 Major Projects with Client, Hologic

Woburn, MA (Vocus) September 18, 2009 -

This summer, Omnion Consulting (www. omnionconsulting. com/ (http://www. omnionconsulting. com/)) successfully brought 2 concurrent multi-national projects live on time and within budget for client, Hologic. Starting in the spring, the Omnion team worked on two parallel projects, Cytyc Costa Rica and Third Wave -- an Hologic acquisition in Wisconsin. Omnion resources were key in bringing these two fast tracked projects live successfully. On both goals, Omnion worked directly and daily with the customer's team defining their future business process solutions, their data conversions, and core team training.

In January of '09, Hologic's acquisition, Cytyc, went live with the full application foot print. This execution brought six new organizations live within the existing Hologic instance. Omnion worked with the customer's supply chain team in all phases of the implementation including business requirements analysis, future business process solutions, data conversions, and core team training. This project came in on time and within budget, with Hologic basically doubling the number of people and organizations using the Oracle applications.

"The fact that there are very few post go-live issues in all 3 events speaks to the wealth of experience and ability of both the client and Omnion team" says Mark McCormack, Omnion Managing Partner. Paul Malenchini, Hologic's Director of Applications Program Management, adds:

"Both Mark McCormack and Steve Rapoza were heavily involved in our overall success implementing the Oracle Manufacturing and Quality Suites for our Marlboro, Londonderry, Canada, Costa Rica and Madison locations. I was amazed with their contributions, knowledge and total team approach. They were vital team members in a highly visible area and Hologic could not have been happier with their deliverables. They did whatever it took to get the job done and done right. All phases of the project … went flawlessly thanks to their efforts and dedication. In short we could not have been successful without them."
