Saturday, September 25, 2004

Cosmetic Surgery Discount Drug for Botox has Disastrous Results - Survivor Shares Inside Story

Cosmetic Surgery Discount Drug for Botox has Disastrous Results - Survivor Shares Inside Story

In a recent interview, a victim of poisonous Botox injections reveals his ordeal with total body paralysis. His recovery from the lethal Botulinum Toxin 'A' injection has motivated him to educate the consumer of its dangers.

Mount Jackson, VA (PRWEB) May 8, 2007

Before joining the other seven million Americans who had Botox injections last year, check with this medical doctor and lifestyle expert, Dr. Eric Kaplan. Dr. Kaplan cautions consumers and medical professionals about serious dangers in both traditional and alternative approaches to longevity and beauty.

It is easy to get carried away with fountain of youth promises and shortcuts to beauty, but as Dr. Kaplan and his wife personally experienced - putting personal health in someone else's hands can be deadly.

Dr. Kaplan and his wife, Bonnie, contracted Botulism after receiving counterfeit Botox injections. They both became completely paralyzed, unable to breathe, swallow, talk or eat. They were not expected to survive.

"People need to know what Botox is. Botox was actually derived from Botulinum Toxin 'A,' which was originally a bio-weapon. The Bubonic Plague was actually started by Botulism. We take the most powerful bio-weapon in the world and last year seven million Americans voluntarily paid cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists to inject it into their bodies," says Dr. Eric Kaplan, during a recent interview on The Inside Success Show.

Botulism and similar counterfeit drug diseases remain a danger to society because doctors and patients can buy raw Botulinum 'A' over the internet and a lot of drugs are being imported into this country from abroad. These drugs are used in vanity surgeries to supply the ageless demand to attempt to look younger, feel better, and have more energy.

With proactive, positive attitudes the Kaplans began the healing process and are walking success stories. Now, Dr. Kaplan has dedicated his life to spreading the story of the devastating blow he and his wife endured, and their subsequent inspirational recovery.

Dr. Kaplan advises people to take a proactive approach to preparing for a long and healthy life. That means instead of being lured by drugs or pharmaceutical potions catchy advertising, looking at what each unique body really needs for long term fitness and beauty. His advice is to find health and wellness from the inside. He has assisted over 500 chiropractors into modifying their practices into multi-specialty medical centers so patients can get educated treatments, nutrition, and general health programs from professionals they trust.

Inside Success Radio - a popular talk radio network, has earned its reputation for quality interviews with the best-known experts of many fields. Each interview provides practical tips, strategies, and secrets direct from the masters.

Listen free to Dr. Kaplan's interview with Randy Gilbert on Inside Success Radio, visit: http://www. insidesuccessradio. com/Guests/Eric-Kaplan (http://www. insidesuccessradio. com/Guests/Eric-Kaplan)

Media Contacts:
Debbie Wolf
Associate Producer
