Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Holistic Health Practitioners Combine Traditional Food Preparation Methods with Contemporary Recipes for a Healthy "Nutritional Makeover"

Holistic Health Practitioners Combine Traditional Food Preparation Methods with Contemporary Recipes for a Healthy "Nutritional Makeover"

As the holidays approach, the Holistic Health Coaches at Studio 122 are helping people to avoid the seasonal backlash of digestion troubles and weight gain with a hands-on nutrition course that combines ancient food preparation techniques such as whey fermentation with contemporary recipes. Participants in the course leave with a variety of simple techniques that they can use immediately to improve their health and cut costs at the same time.

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) November 12, 2008

On Saturday, November 22nd, the Holistic Health Coaches at Studio 122 in Seattle, WA, will be hosting Meals that Heal - a hands-on nutrition class aimed at teaching participants the basics of traditional food preparation techniques and how to incorporate those techniques into contemporary recipes.

With the holiday season just around the corner, Steven Stanfield, Monica Donald and Ross Meyer have created a new hands-on nutrition class with the goal of heading off all of the digestion and weight gain problems that typically follow up on the tail end of the holidays. While this time of year often finds consumers inundated with messages about healthy eating, Stanfield, Donald and Meyer are taking an ancient approach to modern dietary challenges. The three Holistic Health Coaches have begun showing their clients how to use techniques such as fermentation with whey - used as far back as 605 BC by the Babylonians - and preparing homemade stock to create healthy foods.

Why make this return to the past? Science has come around to the view that these ancient techniques can enhance the quality of our food. There is a good deal of evidence that the process of fermentation, for example, increases vitamin, mineral and enzyme content, and at the same time makes those nutrients more available to the body. Stanfield, Donald and Meyer insist that these traditional preparation methods don't have to be scary or exotic either, pointing out that familiar foods like ketchup and mustard were originally fermented. Reincorporating fermentation into those condiments can transform them from empty calories into whole foods with healthy nutritional benefits.

The Meals that Heal class also demonstrates the economic upside to these techniques. The class shows students how to save money by preparing their own healthier soup stocks, vegetables, grains and condiments using traditional food preservation methods. Students also learn how to incorporate less expensive whole foods in place of boxed, processed food products. In short, participants in the seminar will leave with a variety of simple food preparation techniques that they can use immediately to improve their health and cut costs at the same time.

Stanfield, Donald and Meyer will be hosting their Meals That Heal workshop on Saturday, November 22nd, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm PST at 12009 12th Ave. NW in Seattle. Enrollment details are available at www. studio122seattle. com.

About Studio 122

At Studio 122, we create holistic health programs that focus on the client's specific needs and goals. Each session serves as an educational opportunity to develop a greater understanding and appreciation for the individual's body, mind and spirit. It is our goal that each person leaves their session feeling empowered to shape their lives towards ever-increasing levels of health and happiness.
