Your Fat Can No Longer Win
How to naturally turn your body into an efficient fat burning machine, today.
(PRWEB) October 25, 2005
How can this be? How can anyone lose that sort of weight in that number of days? It sounds too good to be true. It is however some of the claims being made in a concept of weight management that is as different as it is profound.
What it does is to look at the human body and ask why does it put weight on? Do you know? As far as far as can be told this phenomena happens as a result (in most cases) of overeating. Especially the wrong type of food stuffs.
Overeating conjures up images of plates full of food and those behind them tucking in to this mountain of food. This is not the case. The term simply applies to the wrong type of food stuff (protein, carbohydrates, fats) been eaten by the person.
Let's explain a little bit further. The human body will only use a percentage of the food that you eat. The rest, if it absorbs it, it stores By the way the body is very efficient at absorbing digested food. Less than 5% is not absorbed from a healthy person.
It stores it to use at a later date. Here the vicious circle comes about. People get hungry again, so they eat. If they are not active the body stores it again. As canbe clearly seen this brings about a cycle of despair.
If the body absorbs food how does it use it? Without going into too much science of it the body is governed by something called a “Metabolic rate”. What this means is simply the rate that the bodies reactions work. These reactions result in growth, production of energy and elimination of waste.
This process gets its fuel from what get's put in our mouths. It takes what it needs and keeps the rest.
This metabolic rate varies from person to person. There are however ways in which this can be altered. The first is the most obvious, exercise.
Exercise is an essential part of being a human being. Like it or not the human being is an animal. Probably the most inactive animal at that. Yet like the rest of nature this animal is supposed to be active. Not all of us are athletes but we can all walk. That is enough just a few times a week to help raise activity level.
The other way of altering your metabolic rate is less obvious, but just as profound. The very stuff that we put in our mouths can do it for you.
Yes certain types of food are rich in the very things that govern the metabolic rate. Certain vitamins and minerals when in abundance actually do help the body to break down food more efficiently.
Some foods are even said to have a negative calorie content. Now we know that this is nonsense. How can something have less than zero of anything, if it did it would not exist? To clearly understand what this means is that if say an orange has 100 calories but to digest it took 115 calories then it would have 15 negative calories.
An interesting concept in itself as whilst studying Biology the teacher mentioned Celery has having exactly these properties. A fibrous water filled plant that we humans could not digest properly but our bodies would try to and fail. Hence spending more energy doing so than we got from it.
So as has been seen it is possible to be active and eat proper food to raise our natural fat burning machine that is the human metabolic rate. As a result no diet should be ridiculed. In fact diets are only rubbished by others trying to promote the latest fad or trendy diet and those losing business try to damage it to keep business.
There are a very large number of people interested in weight management and they should find the diet that is going to suit them. A diet is a personal thing and it is the aim of this article to highlight that to those reading it. Also to let them know that with a bit of research the goals that they set are attainable.
To find out more or to read other things by this author go to
Www. positivediet. co. uk
Or visit his blog at
Http://positivediet. blogspot. com (http://positivediet. blogspot. com)
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