Depression and Digestion – Is there a Link Between the Two? Dr. Ellen Cutler Says “Yes”
Important news in handling depression. Dr. Ellen Cutler is a pioneer in enzyme therapy and digestive disorders. She has discovered that there is a link between depression and digestion.
San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) December 15, 2005
You’ve heard a lot about how the mind influences the body, but the opposite is also true – what we feel emotionally is driven by what’s going on physically, according to Dr. Ellen Cutler, author of MicroMiracles: Discover the Healing Power of Enzymes (Rodale 2005).
“The body has a tremendous impact on the mind, especially in terms of how well you break down foods and absorb nutrients,” said Dr. Culter. Most people don’t realize how poor digestion and nutrient deficiencies can undermine their emotional health, affecting their ability to respond to stress and contribute to mood swings and depression.”
Dr. Cutler is an expert in enzymes and she strongly advocates utilizing enzyme therapy in helping to correct these imbalances. “By helping our bodies utilize key brain nutrients, enzymes profoundly affect our minds and moods,” she added. Dr. Cutler believes that in combination with nutritional supplements, enzymes may even help eliminate the need for powerful prescription medications, which often have serious side effects yet don’t resolve the underlying problem.
Her 25 years of clinical experience have led her to the conclusion that chronic mood swings can be a common sign of food sensitivities, in which the body can’t completely digest certain foods. While virtually any food can trigger sensitivity, the most common culprits are those that contain nitrites, glutamates, aspartic acid, tyrosine, caffeine, brew’s or baker’s yeast or sugar. Soy, wheat, corn, peanuts, milk, eggs, citrus fruits and tomatoes are also frequent offenders.
Throughout MICROMIRACLES, inspiring case studies provide real-life examples of Dr. Cutler’s patients whose lives have been changed forever by the implementation of enzyme therapy, demonstrating how enzymes are, truly, nature’s “micromiracles.”
About the Author
Ellen Cutler, D. C., M. D. is from New York City and founder of BioSet, an innovative healing system that combines enzyme therapy with other complementary medicine disciplines. The author of such groundbreaking books as Winning the War against Asthma and Allergies and The Food Allergy Cure, Dr. Cutler presents workshops and seminars on enzyme therapy to health care professionals around the world.
Discover the Healing Power of Enzymes
By Ellen W. Cutler, D. C., M. D.
Publication date: October 2005
384 pages, $15.95 paperback original
ISBN 1-59486-221-4
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