Invest in Security
Be the solution, not the victim. The pervasive vulnerability of internet security is here, even faster than predicted. Help fight Cyber-Terrorism of the 21st Century. Discover where to find up-to-date solutions, how you can play a part. http://www. nwesa. com
(PRWEB) January 25, 2005
Jim Bullough-Latsch is announcing that he is now equipped to accept serious-minded investors; people that see the Âhandwriting on the wall and recognize the enormous probability of more attacks that are currently defining the times. http://www.4terrorism. com/network-security. htm (http://www.4terrorism. com/network-security. htm)
Security systems are much talked about but many remain uncertain about what they entail and how to build and maintain one. An important step in establishing a system is to have an external audit of what a company now does for defense against a security violation. It is also important for those businesses and agencies that have a security system to have it periodically checked by an outside audit. The object of an audit is not to try to find vulnerabilities but to assess the overall effect of any vulnerability on effective operations. Simply finding vulnerabilities can often lead to misrepresenting the efforts of internal staff, unnecessary expenditures for internal remediation, possible negative impact on production systems, as well as increasing the risk by providing a road map to hackers. The best and most valuable security audit not only details vulnerability, but also gives an overall assessment. The report highlights the overall level of risk to the business and indicates what executive level decisions that should be made to improve and to maintain a consistent information security program: http://www.4terrorism. com/securityaudits. htm (http://www.4terrorism. com/securityaudits. htm)
Www.4terrorism. com and www. projectbailout. com provide a glimpse of the top of the solution iceberg. Solutions for:
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Computers, as almost everyone knows, is essential in todayÂs world. Computers run the infrastructure that is critical to national defense, economic security, public health and safety. They are equally important in business, education, law enforcement, and every facet of life. In short they are everywhere. Yet unfortunately computers were not designed for security. The result has been the growth of hacking, computer crime, and cyber terrorism. Prudent business leaders know the value of ÂAn ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cureÂ, the importance of compliance and quality management. www. axiominternet. com is the Âone-stop place for:
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