Monday, September 28, 2009

Unnamed Dog Creates Website

Unnamed Dog Creates Website

Beloved Queen decided to create a "different" website. Set in medieval times, BQ writes in modern English.

(PRWEB) September 13, 2004

Known only as Beloved Queen, this dog is the "creator" of a website called The Dog Castle. On the main page and each of the product pages, Beloved Queen gives a bit of advice on things like dog houses, dog beds, dog supplies, dog training and dog health.

Though set in medieval times, Beloved Queen writes in the modern vernacular, and English is the preferred language of choice. No age is given for Beloved Queen, but it seems that she has many children in her care. Whether they are hers remains to be seen, but she has made references to the young Prince and young Princess, so we must assume they are truly hers.

Beloved King is consulted once in a while, and puts in his two cents worth. There are no pictures of Beloved Queen, but there is a cartoon of a dog with a crown on his head. There are no royal portraits.

The articles on the site are from various authors. Some of them wish to remain anonymous.

The Dog Castle remains undiscovered to this day.

Visit http://www. dogcastle. com (http://www. dogcastle. com) and see for yourself.

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