Balancing One’s Life from Within
New book empowers everyone to combine the seven innate sources of human energy.
Ocean, NJ (Vocus) September 1, 2010
Many life-changing books are out there. But author Dr. Tim Brennan’s newly published book, Life in Balance: the DREAMER Way, goes beyond simply changing a person’s life. This book aids individuals by reconstructing and empowering their lives using materials from their dreams—not so much about the dreams they have when they’re asleep, but rather, the ones that play across the edges of their consciousness when they’re awake.
For those who doubt whether they can achieve the healthiest weight, can start each day well and rested, can begin to feel fit again, or can build and maintain better relationships, they should doubt no more because it’s all possible. How? When people can master the secrets of life balance, they then would ultimately be led to continuous improvement and repeated success. It’s important that they learn to balance the seven sources of energy that will shape their day. Through this book, everyone can truly and finally achieve a Life in Balance. The very best and fastest way to achieve this is the DREAMER way, through:
building a Diet in a way that nourishes physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually enjoying real Rest by savoring the safety and the stillness growing into Exercise that moves oneself—the body, mind, and spirit discovering Awareness of one’s words, world, and self learning how Meditation can help one “come back home to peace of mind” multiplying Expression and connecting to success experiencing Renewal and changing life for good
Many see life as an overbooked, overlooked, and overstressed series of routines that people tend to just be completing their daily activities without actually feeling them. That’s why in this book, Dr. Brennan urges everyone with these words, “If you are ready to regain your sense of self and to feel sane in an often insane world, then you are ready to change your life the DREAM + E = R way.” For more information on this book, log on to Xlibris. com (http://www2.xlibris. com/bookstore/bookdisplay. aspx? bookid=78150).
About the Author
Dr. Tim Brennan has been sharing his ideas on energy for living with thousands of people on three continents since 1966. His ideas on life and learning have been quoted in Time, the New York Times, ABC World News Tonight and Newsweek. He has appeared on NBC Nightly News, News Channel4, and has hosted two cable TV series, Parent How-To and Academy 101. He is the author of the syndicated column Helping Children Grow. A career educator, he is the founder of The DREAMER Institute for Connective Balance. Considered an authority on helping people change their lives by understanding how the human mind learns and grows, he received his Doctor of Education degree from Rutgers University where he serves as part-time lecturer in Expository Writing.
Life in Balance: The DREAMER Way * by Tim Brennan Jr.
Publication Date: June 28, 2010
Trade Paperback; $19.99; 154 pages; 978-1-4535-1917-2
Trade Hardback; $29.99; 154 pages; 978-1-4535-1918-9
EBook; $9.99; 978-1-4535-1919-6
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