Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Pest Control Results Show That Do-It-Yourself Treatments Are Ineffective

Pest Control Results Show That Do-It-Yourself Treatments Are Ineffective

Treatment results and studies show that Do-It-Yourself pest control treatments don’t work. Gannon Mahaffay has learned this through many years of consultative interactions with consumers who want to protect their loved ones from various diseases and venomous bites & stings. Expert Author and founder of a very successful pest control company called Reliance Pest Solutions, he has consulted with thousands of homeowners and business owners on the efforts lost trying to do their own pest control.

Edmond, OK (PRWEB) July 23, 2010

Treatment results and studies show that Do-It-Yourself pest control treatments don’t work. Gannon Mahaffay has learned this through many years of consultative interactions with consumers who want to protect their loved ones from various diseases and venomous bites & stings. Expert Author and founder of a very successful pest control company called Reliance Pest Solutions, he has consulted with thousands of homeowners and business owners on the efforts lost trying to do their own pest control.

For many people, do-it-yourself pest control has been the method of choice for protecting their environment from unwanted pests. “However, this is simply a waste of time and money, not to mention it can be hazardous to your health”, says Gannon Mahaffay, one of the foremost authorities on the ineffectiveness of do-it-yourself pest control. “You can purchase many different over the counter pesticides. Some of these over the counter pesticides use products with ingredients and chemicals that merely attack the nervous system of the pest. However, once this particular product dries, its effectiveness is completely gone”, he said. “In these cases the only pests it will affect are those who have direct contact with the pesticide while it’s wet. So, when you spray (for instance) a cockroach or two... those two will die, but the 20 or 40 in hiding can very well be untouched and alive still multiplying rapidly”, says Mahaffay.

Since starting Reliance Pest Solutions over twelve years ago, hundreds of people have made the switch from being a do-it-yourselfer to using the expert techniques of a professional pest control technician and are successfully reaping the benefits of a pest free environment. As he points out, however, the shift away from doing it your self is a hard one.

“ Most people will just go down to the local hardware store or large retailer and grab a jug of kill all, last forever pesticide. Once they have it in hand, they get this overwhelming feeling of power over nature, so they start nuking the whole area! Anything in the path of their little plastic squirt gun will be destroyed like an action scene from the Terminator! The problem with that is some chemicals leave toxic residue that can remain poisonous for years. This is a tremendous threat to the environment as well as people and pets in the path of this destruction. In addition, some pesticides will not be the right prescription for the pest problem. They can cause allergic and respiratory reactions if you don’t know what you’re using. So the possibility here is that you might not eliminate the pests you need to eliminate and the toxic residue which may remain on the treated surfaces for years to come will harm everyone and everything around it”, says Mahaffay

He also warns that many people who are treating their property with over the counter products are unknowingly making the pest problem worse due to the lack of a biological understanding of the target pest.

“When using pesticides on ants as an example, you can make the problem worse. If you spray an anthill, for instance, the live ants send a distress signal back to the colony. The ants then spread into satellite colonies. Thus, the ant hills are spread into numerous anthills. This is called budding”, he said.

Mahaffay cites numerous reasons for the failure of the do-it-yourselfer, some of which include the lack of ongoing pest control training and testing, as well as the day in and day out experiences of a pest control professional. He also points out that without an expert technician implementing an integrated pest management approach to the pest problem, the situation will be extremely difficult to control.

For more information, or to obtain Gannon Mahaffays’ free Consumer Awareness Guide, please visit www. reliancepestsolutions. com.
