Sunday, November 23, 2008

Supermodel Makeovers – Personal Trainers RE-BRAND Fitness!

Supermodel Makeovers – Personal Trainers RE-BRAND Fitness!

PersonalTrainerCreatives. Com - the new fitness marketing network to hit the fitness runway, has launched Supermodel Makeovers in a bid to attract the lucrative plastic surgery market, only this time, the punch line “buy yourself a NEW body – without surgery” clearly suggests that this has got absolutely nothing to do with going under the surgeons knife. Could this be the answer to eternal youth?

(PRWEB) October 23, 2004

PersonalTrainerCreatives. Com - the new fitness marketing network comprised solely of personal trainers, has launched Supermodel Makeovers onto the fitness runway in a bid to attract the lucrative plastic surgery market, only this time, the punch line “buy yourself a NEW body – without surgery” clearly suggests that this has got absolutely nothing to do with going under the surgeons knife. On the contrary, Supermodel Makeovers is about working it from ‘within’, bringing out your inner beauty to the surface through all-natural liquid nutrition, in combination with the most POWERFUL anti-oxidants on the market today, plus a regular tailor-made personal-trainer-assisted exercise regime.

The brand being championed is US based Veriuni, a tried and tested product line which, unlike celebrity endorsed products that are quite often not the products the celebrities themselves use, is vouched for by Personal Trainers who they themselves are genuinely on the products, not to mention their clients who are also enjoying INCREDIBLE results with weight management, skin texture and complexion.

Expounding on the declining state of the nutritional value in food today, their website compares the nutrient value in spinach in the 1940s to that of today. The revelations are astounding!

In 1948 you could buy spinach that had 158 milligrams of iron per hundred grams. By 1965, the maximum had dropped to 27 milligrams. In 1973 it was averaging 2.2. That means you would have to eat 75 bowls of spinach to get the same amount of iron that one bowl might have given you back in 1948. We have to have cobalt to process vitamin B12. We need vitamin B12 for healthy red blood cells. Sadly most of the vegetables that supply cobalt in the diet now test zero.

The top soil over most of the land used to grow fruits and vegetables is very depleted. This in turn produces crops that are severely low in the necessary vitamins and mineral that our bodies need for optimum health.

The typical daily diet does not supply the necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals to properly replace the dying cells in our internal and external organs. If we fall short our immunity system is weakened leaving us vulnerable to sickness and disease. The bottom line is, give your body good nutrition and the body sorts itself out! You may read up some more on this as well as purchase the products at: www. DoYouTakeVitamins. co. uk

As an added bonus, for those of you who want to re-invent yourselves with a full body makeover via the non-surgical route, PersonalTrainerCreatives. Com has a network of qualified and dedicated Personal Trainers available nationwide. To find a trainer in your area, please direct your queries by email via their website.
