Thursday, April 22, 2010

West Yorkshire Hypnotherapist Offers A Free Public 'Quit Smoking' Workshop

West Yorkshire Hypnotherapist Offers A Free Public 'Quit Smoking' Workshop

West Yorkshire hypnotherapist Adam Sargant will be running a free smoking cessation workshop on National No Smoking Day, Wednesday March 8th 2006, at the Haworth West Lane Baptist Church from 7pm in the evening.

Haworth, West Yorkshire (PRWEB) February 8, 2006

Many people use hypnosis as a way to help them stop smoking and there is research to show that it is as least as effective as other methods, and that in combination with other methods it can be a powerful aid to quitting “the evil weed”.

Wednesday March 8th is National No Smoking day, when thousands of people through out the UK will be attempting to put aside the cancer sticks for good. Adam Sargant, a local hypnotherapist who runs the Haworth Hypnotherapy and Healing Clinic, intends to give a group of such “quitters” a helping hand by offering a free public stop smoking workshop.

For those of you who have seen Paul McKenna’s recent TV programme “I Can Make You Thin”, expect a similar experience. Group hypnosis, exercises and presentations will all be used to give you the tools to change your life for the better.

Attendees will also receive a free CD with hypnosis sessions and exercises as well as printed literature to take home with them.

The workshop will be held at the Haworth West Lane Baptist Church on Wednesday 8th March, starting at 7pm prompt. Places will be limited, so to ensure a seat call Adam or Sian at the Haworth Hypnotherapy and Healing Clinic on 01535 648815. Places are free, so you have nothing to lose … make that step and increase the quality and the length of your life!

About Adam Sargant:

Adam is a mental health nurse with over 16 years experience. He has practiced hypnosis and NLP for over 5 years, taking NLP to master practitioner level, and regularly assists in NLP and hypnosis trainings in Yorkshire.

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